Indonesia? What's on your mind when I say 'Indonesia'? Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world extending some 2,000 kilometers from North to South and more than 5,000 kilometers from East to West. Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world after China, India and the United States. About 88% of the population is Muslim.
The official language is Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa is a strong unifying factor in a country where more than 300 distinct regional languages are still spoken. Bahasa is not a difficult language to learn and many expatriates quickly learn the language sufficiently to succeed in meeting every day needs. More formal Bahasa is expected to be used in high level business meetings. Newspapers and television news use formal Bahasa.
The official language is Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa is a strong unifying factor in a country where more than 300 distinct regional languages are still spoken. Bahasa is not a difficult language to learn and many expatriates quickly learn the language sufficiently to succeed in meeting every day needs. More formal Bahasa is expected to be used in high level business meetings. Newspapers and television news use formal Bahasa.
If you wanna know a litte bit about this language, here are some greetings that using in daily life.
- I - Saya
- You - Anda/Kamu
- We - Kami
- They - Mereka
- She/He - Dia
- Good morning - Selamat Pagi
- Good afternoon - Selamat Siang.
- Good evening - Selamat Sore.
- Good night - Selamat Malam.
- Goodbye - Selamat Tinggal.
- How are you? - Apa Kabar?
- I am fine - Kabar Baik.
- What is your name? - Siapa nama anda?
- My name is... - Nama saya...
- Nice to meet you - Senang berkenalan dengan anda.
- See you later - Sampai jumpa lagi.
- Goodbye (said to people leaving) - Selamat jalan.
- Goodbye (said to people staying) - Selamat tinggal.
- I don't understand - Saya tidak mengerti.
- I can't speak Indonesian - Saya tidak mengerti bahasa Indonesia.
- Happy birthday - Selamat ulang tahun.
- Happy new year - Selamat tahun baru.
- Merry christmast - Selamat hari natal.
- Happy Eid Mubarak - Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri.
- Yes - Iya / Tentu.
- O.K. - Baiklah.
- No / not - Tidak / bukan.
- Thank you - Terima kasih.
- You're welcome - Sama-sama.
- Please - Tolong / Silakan.
- Can you help me? - Bisakah anda membantu saya?.
- Excuse me - Permisi.
- Sorry - Ma'af.
- What time is it? - Jam berapa?
- This - Ini.
- That - Itu.
- Dari mana? - Where have you just come from?
- What country are you from? - Berasal dari negara mana anda? -
- Where are you going? - Pergi kemana anda?
- Be careful / attention - Hati Hati
Give a comment if you wanna ask something ^___^
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